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The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has been commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health to conduct a multi-year Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS) between 2020 and 2023. This is the largest and most comprehensive study of the physical and mental health of Australians ever undertaken.  

The National Health Measures Study 

The National Health Measures Study (NHMS), a voluntary biomedical component of the IHMHS, will be commencing in 2022. Respondents in the IHMHS will be invited to participate in the NHMS to provide biomedical samples. Participants’ biomedical samples will be used for a suite of biomedical tests to assess population levels of selected biomarkers to inform decisions and policy development. 

ABS NHMS Information Session 

The ABS will be presenting a virtual information session on NHMS in early 2022. The session outlines the NHMS and possible involvement of health practitioners.  

Contact the ABS 

To express your interest in attending the virtual information session or if you have any questions about the IHMHS and/or the NHMS, contact the ABS at health@abs.gov.au.

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The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has been commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health to conduct a multi-year Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS) between 2020 and 2023. This is the largest and most comprehensive study of the physical and mental health of Australians ever undertaken.  

The National Health Measures Study 

The National Health Measures Study (NHMS), a voluntary biomedical component of the IHMHS, will be commencing in 2022. Respondents in the IHMHS will be invited to participate in the NHMS to provide biomedical samples. Participants’ biomedical samples will be used for a suite of biomedical tests to assess population levels of selected biomarkers to inform decisions and policy development. 

ABS NHMS Information Session 

The ABS will be presenting a virtual information session on NHMS in early 2022. The session outlines the NHMS and possible involvement of health practitioners.  

Contact the ABS 

To express your interest in attending the virtual information session or if you have any questions about the IHMHS and/or the NHMS, contact the ABS at health@abs.gov.au.