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The Coalition of Peaks met in August to progress its work in actioning the National Agreement on Closing the Gap
The Coalition is a representative body of over 80 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled peak organisations and members who came together to change the way Australian Governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, organisations and communities on Closing the Gap. 
The eighth meeting of the Joint Council on Closing the Gap in late August was the first meeting with the new co-chair, The Hon Linda Burney MP, and all new members of the Peaks and governments. The meeting discussed progress as well as emphasising all jurisdictions' commitment to the full range of measures that will support improved life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The full communique of the meeting is available to download here.
This month also saw the launch of a Plain English version of the National Agreement which features short sentences, simple every day words and avoids jargon. 

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The Coalition of Peaks met in August to progress its work in actioning the National Agreement on Closing the Gap
The Coalition is a representative body of over 80 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled peak organisations and members who came together to change the way Australian Governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, organisations and communities on Closing the Gap. 
The eighth meeting of the Joint Council on Closing the Gap in late August was the first meeting with the new co-chair, The Hon Linda Burney MP, and all new members of the Peaks and governments. The meeting discussed progress as well as emphasising all jurisdictions' commitment to the full range of measures that will support improved life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The full communique of the meeting is available to download here.
This month also saw the launch of a Plain English version of the National Agreement which features short sentences, simple every day words and avoids jargon.