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In preparation for the 2023 influenza season, the following enhancements were made to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) on 11 February 2023: 

  • Addition of new influenza vaccines - to enable better monitoring and reporting of influenza vaccines funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), the following vaccine names will be added to the AIR: Afluria Quad (NIP), Afluria Quad (Non-NIP), Fluarix Tetra (NIP), and Fluarix Tetra (Non-NIP). 
  • Updates to existing influenza vaccines - to improve the data quality and reporting of influenza vaccines, the AIR will be updated to prevent the reporting of historical vaccine brands that are no longer registered or available for use in Australia.

Vaccination providers will still be able to report these vaccines if they were administered prior to 11 February 2023.

Influenza vaccines reported to the AIR prior to 11 February 2023 will remain recorded on the AIR and display on individuals’ vaccination evidence.

It is mandatory under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015, for vaccination providers to report all influenza vaccinations administered on, or after, 1 March 2021. 

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In preparation for the 2023 influenza season, the following enhancements were made to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) on 11 February 2023: 

  • Addition of new influenza vaccines - to enable better monitoring and reporting of influenza vaccines funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), the following vaccine names will be added to the AIR: Afluria Quad (NIP), Afluria Quad (Non-NIP), Fluarix Tetra (NIP), and Fluarix Tetra (Non-NIP). 
  • Updates to existing influenza vaccines - to improve the data quality and reporting of influenza vaccines, the AIR will be updated to prevent the reporting of historical vaccine brands that are no longer registered or available for use in Australia.

Vaccination providers will still be able to report these vaccines if they were administered prior to 11 February 2023.

Influenza vaccines reported to the AIR prior to 11 February 2023 will remain recorded on the AIR and display on individuals’ vaccination evidence.

It is mandatory under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015, for vaccination providers to report all influenza vaccinations administered on, or after, 1 March 2021.