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The Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway (QRGP) is considering trialling a Rural Generalist Obstetric Clinical Training Support role for DRANZCOG Advanced trainees during their advanced skills training year.   

Expressions of interest are sought from currently credentialed Rural Generalist Obstetricians with DRANZCOG Adv and FACRRM or FRACGP-RG/FARGP to: 

  • provide RG contextualised learning onsite at DRANZCOG Adv training hospitals 
  • support trainees to understand and develop clinical courage 
  • support trainees to build confidence 
  • support trainers to apply DRANZCOG Adv curriculum requirements to the rural clinical obstetric practice context 
  • facilitate understanding of the scope of practice of Rural Generalist Obstetricians at training sites
  • facilitate the development of a community of practice 

It is envisaged to support approximately 9 locations across Queensland during 2023, with capacity to start imminently preferred. This role can be undertaken by more than one applicant. It will require monthly site visits of one to two days. 

QRGP is looking for current practising Rural Generalist Obstetricians to temporarily join the Pathway for the trial period. Engagement may be directly part-time, or we are willing to negotiate with existing employers to reimburse released time. 

For more information, please contact QRGP Medical Director Dr John Douyere on 0427 706 634. 
Please submit your expression of interest and a current CV via email by Friday 28 April 2023


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The Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway (QRGP) is considering trialling a Rural Generalist Obstetric Clinical Training Support role for DRANZCOG Advanced trainees during their advanced skills training year.   

Expressions of interest are sought from currently credentialed Rural Generalist Obstetricians with DRANZCOG Adv and FACRRM or FRACGP-RG/FARGP to: 

  • provide RG contextualised learning onsite at DRANZCOG Adv training hospitals 
  • support trainees to understand and develop clinical courage 
  • support trainees to build confidence 
  • support trainers to apply DRANZCOG Adv curriculum requirements to the rural clinical obstetric practice context 
  • facilitate understanding of the scope of practice of Rural Generalist Obstetricians at training sites
  • facilitate the development of a community of practice 

It is envisaged to support approximately 9 locations across Queensland during 2023, with capacity to start imminently preferred. This role can be undertaken by more than one applicant. It will require monthly site visits of one to two days. 

QRGP is looking for current practising Rural Generalist Obstetricians to temporarily join the Pathway for the trial period. Engagement may be directly part-time, or we are willing to negotiate with existing employers to reimburse released time. 

For more information, please contact QRGP Medical Director Dr John Douyere on 0427 706 634. 
Please submit your expression of interest and a current CV via email by Friday 28 April 2023