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ACRRM continues to advocate for action to address climate change and its impacts on physical and mental health.

  • Updating the College Policy Position Statement – College Council continues to engage in the development of an updated policy position statement on Climate and Health, acknowledging the challenges of representing the wide range of member views. Council has formed a small working group to undertake further work to finalise a draft statement for Council consideration. Members are invited to contact their state representative on College Council with any comments regarding the policy position statement, including the policy position and actions that you would like to see the College adopt.  

  • AMA-DEA webinar – President Dr Dan Halliday joined Presidents and  senior representatives from other medical colleges in providing a short presentation to the annual webinar jointly hosted by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA). As part of his presentation, Dr Halliday described the important role played by Rural Generalists and General Practitioners not only in treating the mental and physical health issues associated with climate change, but also as community leaders and first responders. Through their capacity to provide a wide range of healthcare services within their communities, these doctors can also reduce the need for patient transfers, reducing the associated environmental and financial imposts. 
  • Transition to Sustainable Health Systems – this project, convened by the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, brings together voices from across policy, practice and research to collectively identify priorities and practical actions to accelerate emissions reduction in the Australian health system. College staff members attended an initial workshop and ACRRM will continue to engage with this project, with a particular interest in any resources which may be of interest and assistance to members.
  • Multi-College Roundtable on Climate and Health – Chair of College Council, Dr Claire Arundell, joined staff in participating in this Roundtable, which was hosted by the interim Australian Centre for Disease Control CDC) and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The Roundtable communique is attached here. Following the Roundtable, ACRRM has engaged with the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC) regarding endorsement of a Joint Statement and the facilitation of a coordinated approach from all medical colleges.  Further updates will be provided as this work progresses.
  • RACP Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee and Healthy Climate Futures campaign - ACRRM continues to be involved with this Committee, with Dr June Brundell as our representative. This Committee brings together 14 specialist medical colleges to provide a forum for engagement and collaboration on climate change and health policy and advocacy. The College is a partner in the Healthy Climate Futures campaign and is a signatory to a joint media statement calling on the Australian Government to ensure that the National Health and Climate Strategy is fully funded, resourced and supported.

We acknowledge that there is more work to be done across a range of areas and we welcome member input regarding policy priorities and information and resources which could be shared with the wider membership. This can be provided through your state College Council representative, or via policy@acrrm.org.au.


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ACRRM continues to advocate for action to address climate change and its impacts on physical and mental health.

  • Updating the College Policy Position Statement – College Council continues to engage in the development of an updated policy position statement on Climate and Health, acknowledging the challenges of representing the wide range of member views. Council has formed a small working group to undertake further work to finalise a draft statement for Council consideration. Members are invited to contact their state representative on College Council with any comments regarding the policy position statement, including the policy position and actions that you would like to see the College adopt.  

  • AMA-DEA webinar – President Dr Dan Halliday joined Presidents and  senior representatives from other medical colleges in providing a short presentation to the annual webinar jointly hosted by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA). As part of his presentation, Dr Halliday described the important role played by Rural Generalists and General Practitioners not only in treating the mental and physical health issues associated with climate change, but also as community leaders and first responders. Through their capacity to provide a wide range of healthcare services within their communities, these doctors can also reduce the need for patient transfers, reducing the associated environmental and financial imposts. 
  • Transition to Sustainable Health Systems – this project, convened by the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, brings together voices from across policy, practice and research to collectively identify priorities and practical actions to accelerate emissions reduction in the Australian health system. College staff members attended an initial workshop and ACRRM will continue to engage with this project, with a particular interest in any resources which may be of interest and assistance to members.
  • Multi-College Roundtable on Climate and Health – Chair of College Council, Dr Claire Arundell, joined staff in participating in this Roundtable, which was hosted by the interim Australian Centre for Disease Control CDC) and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The Roundtable communique is attached here. Following the Roundtable, ACRRM has engaged with the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC) regarding endorsement of a Joint Statement and the facilitation of a coordinated approach from all medical colleges.  Further updates will be provided as this work progresses.
  • RACP Climate Change and Health Multi-College Advisory Committee and Healthy Climate Futures campaign - ACRRM continues to be involved with this Committee, with Dr June Brundell as our representative. This Committee brings together 14 specialist medical colleges to provide a forum for engagement and collaboration on climate change and health policy and advocacy. The College is a partner in the Healthy Climate Futures campaign and is a signatory to a joint media statement calling on the Australian Government to ensure that the National Health and Climate Strategy is fully funded, resourced and supported.

We acknowledge that there is more work to be done across a range of areas and we welcome member input regarding policy priorities and information and resources which could be shared with the wider membership. This can be provided through your state College Council representative, or via policy@acrrm.org.au.