ACRRM Fellow Dr Elise Ly shares her amazing journey and the moment she realised rural was for her.

Dr Ly trained on the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program. If you are considering a career in rural medicine, visit our website to find out more about AGPT. Or discover more about other ACRRM pathways to Fellowship.

When I started medical school, I didn’t know that Rural Generalism existed as a potential career pathway. The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) had only just started, and whilst generations of doctors were already working as Rural Generalists, the term “Rural Generalism” perhaps had not been formally coined. With growing recognition that the needs of rural communities required their doctors to have a relatively broad scope of practice with an understanding of the rural context, the concept of the Rural Generalist was established and defined. The goal of being able to tailor training of GP registrars to meet the needs of the rural community was met either through ACRRM or RACGP.