ACRRM was very pleased to support the successful Victorian Rural Health Conference (VRHC19) last weekend. The level of energy, enthusiasm and buzz at the conference was a strong indicator of the support for Rural Generalism.

The conference, hosted by the Rural Doctors Association of Victoria (RDAV) and the Rural Workforce Agency of Victoria (RWAV), included a range of sessions which catered for the diverse background and interests of the 200+ delegates. The College sponsored the student stream and networking function and the speech given by FACRRM Dr Emily Harrison on her ACRRM Fellowship journey, was well received.

Highlights of the conference included the launch of ACRRM’s pilot course Rural Anaesthetics Crisis Management (RACM) as well as thought-providing addresses by Dr Norman Swan and the winner of the Victorian 2019 Local Hero Award, Carol Matthews. Carol’s address provided an inspiring segue for ACRRM President Dr Ewen McPhee’s closing address which was based on the theme, ‘A little less conversation; a little more action please’. 

The College congratulates Fellows and members who received awards at the conference dinner in recognition of their outstanding commitment to rural Victoria. Congratulations to; Dr Clyde Ronan, A/Prof David Campbell, Dr Helen Dewhurst, Dr Malcom Anderson, Dr Mark Farrugia, Dr Peter Barker and Sebastian Kirby. In particular we’d like to congratulate FACRRM Dr Mark Zagorski who was the recipient of the RDAV Life Membership Award for his service to RDAV and the rural doctor movement.