The College was pleased to support the Rural Doctors Association of South Australia’s Masterclass over the weekend. A number of College staff, including CEO Marita Cowie, took the opportunity to meet College members and delegates to discuss issues of state and national importance including progress of the National Rural Generalist Pathway.

It was noted that South Australia does not have a Rural Generalist program at this stage, and there was strong support for action to address this situation. This is seen as one strategy to address the rural medical workforce shortage which is having increased inpact on rural communities and practitioners.

ACRRM congratulates Fellows who were recipients of Distinguished Service Awards at the Master Class dinner: Dr Graham Fleming (Tumby Bay/Kimba); Dr Tony Lian-Lloyd (Quorn); Dr James McLennan (Clare); and Dr George Kokar (Yorketown).  We also congratulate Dr Peter Rischbieth who was re-elected as RDASA President, and the incoming and continuing members of the Management Committee.