The ACRRM Board gathered in Brisbane over two days last week to undertake governance training and attend the monthly board meeting. Staff also provided them with an update on transition activities leading to College-led training. Transition and recognition of Rural Generalism are focus topics for the Board and College and face-to-face engagement always generates healthy discussion. The Board will next meet for the Annual General Meeting at RMA19 on the Gold Coast later this month.

Education and Events Coordinator Nicole Lind and Medical Educator Dr Carmon Guy attended the Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS) workshop in Brisbane last week where they were invited by RVTS CEO Pat Giddings to observe a registrar workshop on how they deliver educational face-to-face content.

Also this week:
  • Minister for Regional Services Mark Coulton hosted a roundtable in Gladstone this morning, Thursday 3 October. The roundtable brought together key stakeholders and local doctors to examine the issues for the Gladstone community in relation to GP access and medical workforce recruitment and retention.
  • Senior Policy an Projects Officer Mary-Jane Streeton and Senior Policy and Development Officer Jenny Johnson attended a meeting with the NSW Ministry for Health to discuss supporting our members in providing quality care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • College staff are attending the following events this week: the Australian Practice Managers Conference (Brisbane); the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association conference; the Flinders NT Regional Training Hub and Top End Health Services Medical Career Expo (Darwin); and the Indigenous Health Infonet Conference (Brisbane).