RMA19 was our biggest conference so far and the energy that surrounded it (both on the Gold Coast and online) was phenomenal. Over 1000 delegates walked through the door, there were standing ovations in plenary sessions and our #RMA19 hashtag trended at number 1 on Twitter throughout Australia!

The Presidents set the scene for a day of advocacy on Friday with the annual breakfast hosted by Dr Ewen McPhee (ACRRM), Dr Adam Coltzau (RDAA), Dr Clare Walker (RDAV), Dr Chris Zappala (AMA) and Cathy Baynie (AAPM) with broad discussion on a number of topics including MBS changes, rural models of practice and workforce strategy.

Delegates also got to hear from prominent Government representatives including, , Minister for Regional Services Mark Coulton MP, Queensland Health Minister  Dr Steven Miles, and Shadow Minister for Health. Chris Bowen MP, Digital Health Agency CEO Tim Kelsey also provided an update on Australia’s Digital Health journey.

The Great Debate proved to be as popular as ever with the topic ‘Juicy carrots or big sticks: What works for the bush?’ The contenders (big sticks), Dr John Hall, Dr Ben Dodds and Dr Emily Harrison took out the debate, arguing that “the biggest and juiciest carrots come from the biggest sticks”.

An inspiring keynote from Ita Buttrose on coping with change was followed by Dr Ewen McPhee and Dr John Hall officially closing the conference. Thanks to all of our delegates, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and staff and see you all at RMA20 in the Hunter Valley!