Researchers from UNSW Sydney are aiming to better understand the implementation and prescribing of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), an HIV prevention drug. NSW or WA-based doctors who have prescribed PrEP at least once can take part in a one-on-one interview about their experiences of prescribing PrEP. The one-hour interview can be conducted over the phone and in recognition of the participants time, they are eligible to be compensated with a $125 gift card.

Doctors working anywhere in Australia can take part in a 15-20 minute online story completion survey, which involves writing a short story in response to a clinical scenario involving PrEP prescribing. Participants are eligible to enter the draw to receive 1 of 10 gift card compensation of $50, drawn randomly at the closure of the survey.

More information can be found at or by emailing the research project manager, Anthony K J Smith