FACRRM Dr Babak Adeli explains that too often the conversation about gender inequity in medicine is exclusively conducted by women, with few men paying attention. We know the problem exists, even to this day in full force, despite much progress.

Babak has educated himself by listening to female colleagues and reading about it from a female perspective, explaining “while I don’t think my voice is more important than any woman’s, it’s clear men need to be taking part in the conversation if anything is to change. So fellow male colleagues, let’s be male allies and continue the discussion. Here are ten things we can talk about in the pub other than football this weekend based on what I have learnt…”

  1. Let's admit to ourselves that the inequity is real and we have directly or indirectly benefited from it.  
  2. Investigate the gender balance of your referrals. Are you referring to more male specialists than female? 
  3. Compare your patient load in one day with your female colleagues, Are they seeing more children and so-called difficult patients? Are the item numbers equal? Have you simply assumed because your colleague is female, she is better at listening and managing children?
  4. Remind yourselves that you could also perform a cervical screening test if patients consent to it.
  5. In hospitals, are you more critical of the performance of female colleagues? If a male surgeon prolongs the operation, do you assume that he is careful or the case is difficult. If a female surgeon does the same, have you noted some rolling eyes? 
  6. Do you have a patronising smirk upon watching a female intern struggling to insert an intravenous cannula?
  7. Are you surprised when a female student tells you she wants to pursue a career in  orthopaedics?
  8. Who cleans the kitchen in your practice? Who organises the social events? 
  9. The item numbers are the same, so is the hourly rate, yet the gender pay gap exists. Have you given it any thought? 
  10. Do you see gender equity in your professional associations, colleges, conference panels, academic journals and medical schools?Then come up with ten points for the next weekend pub chat!

Don’t pat yourself on the back if you are doing well on these 10 things - this is just the beginning.