The global COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our rural, remote and most vulnerable communities is a top priority at ACRRM. The College has a commitment to our members, staff and stakeholders to reduce any personal risks to them and has actioned unprecedented steps to ensure we meet this responsibility.

A long history of designing Rural Generalist pathways for digital and distance-based delivery puts the College in a very strong position to ensure training and assessment programs continue with no or minimal disruption.

That said, changes to face-to-face options for some assessments will apply as follows:

  • All assessment for the remainder of 2020 will be undertaken via video conferencing to ensure we can facilitate the continuation of registrars’ Fellowship journeys without interruption and to mitigate any potential unforeseen circumstances which may arise as a result of COVID-19. For further information, please contact 
  • There are two changes to the management of the Case Based Discussions (CBD) assessment process:
    1. New considerations for telehealth case based discussions
    2. New procedures for late starts to CBD assessments

    For full details on changes to CBD, visit our website here.

  • Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interviews (PESCIs) will continue with video interviews being encouraged as a preference. Candidates and interview panellists will be screened prior to attending based on the current government advice for travel. For further information, please contact
  • The Independent Pathway and Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program’s selection interviews, Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI), will continue with video-based interviews rather than exam centres. For further information, please contact