The government’s commitment to increase the number of masks and Point of Care Testing kits to General Practice, will help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, ACRRM President Dr Ewen McPhee says.

“But they must also make their way to rural and remote areas,” Dr McPhee stresses.

Minister for Health Greg Hunt made the announcement earlier this week as part of a commitment to increase testing on health workers and assist in patient triage.

“This has come at a timely point in our battle against CODIV-19,” Dr McPhee says.

“It’s important these supplies are directed to rural and remote practices, to assist medical practitioners to provide the necessary care to the local families and people in their care.

“Doctors in these regions are working to protect their community, building fever clinics, utilising telehealth and educating the public.

“As Rural Generalists, we are equipped to be able to respond in times of need, and to provide excellent health care. 

“But we can’t do it without the required equipment.

“The College will continue to work with government to ensure we are considered in all decisions being made regarding CODIV-19,” Dr McPhee says.