The Department of Health has provided information regarding the requirement for a patient signature for billing and a clinician signature when using e-requesting of pathology, including the need for a pathology request to be signed by the clinician, and for a patient's written consent for a bulk-billed procedure.
A need for a pathology request to be signed by the clinician
The Electronic Transactions Act 1999 allows for documents required by law to be in writing, to instead be provided electronically (by email or other electronic medium either directly to the pathology provider or via the patient) in a range of circumstances so long as
Pathology requests can be given over the phone but must be followed up with a valid request within 14 days of the request being made.
A need for a patient's written consent for a bulk-billed procedure
Following the Medical Benefits Schedule Book Category 6 (pg 61) where a pathology service is rendered, and the patient has not assigned a benefit, obtaining verbal consent from the patient allows the Approved Pathology Practitioner or Approved Pathology Authority to lodge a claim electronically to the Department of Human Services on behalf of the patient.