ACRRM, in partnership with the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) will be managing a project to provide rural and remote prescribers about the changes to the opioid prescribing protocols and associated issues such as the implications for rural and remote prescribers and communities; and pain and addiction management. The project has commenced and is scheduled for completion in June 2021.

We are seeking to establish a clinical reference group of rural and remote clinicians to:

  • Evaluate existing resources in terms of relevance to rural and remote practice and context
  • Provide advice regarding any additional information and resources required
  • Contribute to webinar and newsletter content
  • Advise the project administration group on any other aspects of the project as required and particularly around the implications of the changes for rural prescribers and communities

Practitioners with a special interest or specialist skills in addiction medicine and pain management would also be welcome. Most work will be conducted by email with a small number of teleconferences if required.

Some remuneration will be available in recognition of time and expertise contributed by Group members.

If you are interested, please contact Jenny Johnson (, before 22 June, enclosing a short summary of relevant interests, skills and experience.