Extending until 31 March 2021, the temporary MBS telehealth items are available to GPs, medical practitioners, specialists, consultant physicians, nurse practitioners, participating midwives, allied health providers, and dental practitioners in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

It is a legislative requirement that GPs and Other Medical Practitioners (OMPs) working in general practice can only perform a telehealth or telephone service where they have an established clinical relationship with the patient. There are limited exemptions to this requirement.

GP and OMP COVID-19 telehealth services are eligible for MBS incentive payments when provided as bulk billed services to Commonwealth concession card holders and children under 16 years of age.

The temporary GP and OMP bulk billing incentive items for patients who are vulnerable to COVID-19, and the temporary doubling of all Medicare bulk-billing incentive fees, will cease as of 1 October 2020.

A service may only be provided by telehealth where it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so.

Read more about the available telehealth measures here.