Changes to the way General Practitioners (GPs) are recognised by Services Australia will come into effect from 15 June 2021.

Under these new arrangements, access to higher Medicare rebates for GPs will be determined by their registration status with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).

Fellowed GPs must be registered as a specialist GP with the Medical Board of Australia by 15 June 2021 to maintain access to higher Medicare rebates. For information about applying for specialist registration can be found here.

Vocationally registered GPs who maintain ongoing general registration with Ahpra will remain on the register and keep access to higher Medicare rebates.

Medical practitioners who intend to apply for re-inclusion to the vocational register must do so as soon as possible. Those who aren’t on the vocational register on 15 June 2021, will not be able to return at a later date.

Information on requirements for re-inclusion and how to apply are available on the Application for Vocational Registration of General Practitioners form available here.

More information can also be found here.