ePrescribing functionality was made available in the Jade SP3 release of Bp Premier. Best Practice is following the Australian Digital Health Agency’s rollout plan for eScripts, and as each of their published tranches becomes available for ePrescribing, we will notify customers and provide them with information on how to activate ePrescribing in Bp Premier. 

Best Practice has produced a wide range of enablement resources. Of note are 3 short videos, each designed to provide Prescribers, Patients and Pharmacists with relevant information about ePrescribing.

  1. Introduction to ePrescribing for Prescribers Video
  2. Introduction to ePrescribing for Patients Video
  3. Introduction to ePrescribing for Pharmacies Video

Prescribing medication by its active ingredient will become mandatory from February 2021. This change is part of the government’s 2018-2019 Electronic Prescribing Budget initiative that was legislated in 2019 under the National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment (Active Ingredient Prescribing) Regulations 2019. Read Dr Fabrina Hossain thoughts on this change Further support resources from BP will be published to coincide with the Saffron release due mid-November.

Further information about electronic prescriptions is available on the College webpage.