ACRRM is playing an important role in the new Transition to College-Led Training Advisory Committee (TCLTAC), formed by the Department of Health and co-chaired by Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Principal Medical Advisor Professor Michael Kidd AM, and Rural Health Commissioner Professor Ruth Stewart.

The TCLTAC is charged to provide advice to the government on the development and implementation of reforms to deliver general practice training as part of the transition to College-led training.

ACRRM President Dr Sarah Chalmers is representing the College on the committee.

Other key stakeholders include the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, General Practice Registrars Association, General Practice Supervisors Australia, Regional Training Organisation Network, Australian Medical Association, Rural Doctors Association of Australia’ and the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association.

Meetings are held at least fortnightly, and information will be available on the Department of Health website shortly. In the meantime, communiques outlining recent meeting activities, can be found here