The Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists is currently leading a project to develop a pain management education strategy for Australian health practitioners. The project is funded by the federal Department of Health and supports Goal Three of the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management.

The completed strategy will define a nationally consistent and comprehensive set of principles and goals to inform the development and implementation of pain management content within health practitioner education programs, including those for rural generalists. The strategy will be centered around the needs of health practitioners as learners and the needs of people requiring pain care, as well as promote a sociopsychobiomedical approach to pain management.

The project commenced in July 2020 and to-date the Faculty of Pain Medicine project team has: conducted a literature review and environmental scan; established a multi-disciplinary governance advisory group; and commenced work on a strategy framework. To ensure the final strategy is well informed by key stakeholder input and underpinned by a multidisciplinary perspective, the project team will be implementing a broad stakeholder consultation process throughout 2021.

For more information, please visit the project webpage or contact the Project Officer - Katy Elliott.