We’ve been making improvements to your PD portfolio and you might have noticed some new features including a professional development resources section and explanatory text in the ‘Add activity’ form to help you find the right category and a feedback button. You can also edit and delete most self-entered activities, so you have more control over your own professional development records.

You can view your progress, download a statement and add to your portfolio any time. Most activities will receive instant credit, except for Life Support and MOPS activities which the PDP team will validate.

Adding activities to your PD portfolio is easy. You just need to log into My College, click the ‘Go’ button on your PD portfolio and click ‘add an activity’. You can expand each category to find the best option and there is also an ‘Other’ option in every category in case you need to log an activity not on the list. 

There is a matrix of activities and categories on our website that you may find helpful here when self-reporting. There are also some suggestions for different activities you might like to consider based on your individual scope of practice which is available here