The Government has agreed to further extend the Continued Dispensing emergency arrangements until 30 September 2021 while COVID-19 continues to put pressure on our health resources. This will continue to provide an additional option to support continuity of therapy for consumers who are unable to access their medical practitioner to obtain a valid prescription.  

Continued Dispensing is the supply of an eligible medicine to a person by an approved pharmacist, where there is an immediate need for the medicine but where it is not practicable to obtain a valid PBS prescription. Only one supply of medicines can be provided in a 12-month period. 

These arrangements complement existing emergency supply provisions including “owing prescription” arrangements and the additional measures introduced by the Australian Government to help reduce the risk of community transmission of COVID-19 (such as e-Prescribing, new MBS telehealth items). These alternative provisions to obtain a PBS prescription should be considered before utilising Continued Dispensing arrangements.

For more information, contact the Department of Health PBS information Line on 1800 020 613, or alternatively email the Department of Health.

For more information about Electronic Prescribing visit here.