Primary Health Tasmania is seeking to fill 4 positions on both their Clinical and Community Advisory Councils. These Councils support the Board and provide informed professional and local perspectives on how to improve Tasmania’s health system and meet the unique health needs of our local communities.

The Clinical Advisory Council has these 3 vacancies:

  • 1 practice-based GP (particularly interested in clinicians in north west communities)
  • 1 community-based mental health professional
  • 1 community-based or general practice nurse. 

For more information about the Clinical Advisory Council and the application process click here.

The Community Advisory Council currently has 1 vacancy for a community member. People in north west communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 

For more information about the Community Advisory Council and the application process click here.

The expression of interest period for all 4 positions closes on Tuesday 6 April 2021.