As part of the recalibrated COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Commonwealth Department of Health has written to all participating general practices to provide information on a planned scale up of the primary care rollout. 

Following a review of the available stock of AstraZeneca vaccine, allocations to general practice will be increased with the first priority being those practices which are currently receiving 50 and 100 doses per week. These practices will now receive 150 and 200 doses per week respectively. 

This increase comes into effect immediately, with the timing of the new allocation determined by where a practice falls within the fortnightly ordering cycle. Practices which do not wish to receive additional doses can use the allocation over the timeframe that works best for them. As usual, please refer to the Department of Health website for the latest information. 

The College is keen to receive feedback from members who are administering the vaccine, specifically about the following: 

  • How many vaccines is your practice currently administering per week?
  • Is there sufficient community demand to increase this number?
  • Have you noticed any trends in community attitude to vaccination, and in particular use of the AstraZeneca vaccination?
  • Have there been any supply, communication or other issues? 

Please send any feedback to Your input will inform our continuing advocacy.