The National Transport Commission (NTC), in collaboration with Austroads, is reviewing Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD) in preparation for the release of an updated version later this year. A draft of the updated guidelines is now available for public consultation.

In developing this draft, input and advice has been sought from driver licensing authorities, industry, patient representative groups and medical associations across Australia, including ACRRM. 

The consultation invites input on:

  • the suitability of the changes in the updated draft guidelines
  • experience with the current AFTD guidelines and any suggestions to make the next version more user-friendly
  • suggestions on training and support needed to increase use and knowledge of content in the guidelines.

The latest draft of AFTD and the review report is available on the website. Upload your submission as a document or share your thoughts via the web form provided.

Submissions are now open and will close on 11 June 2021.