The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has written to the College to seek feedback and potential future endorsement of the draft revised Delirium Clinical Care Standard.

Delirium is a common and serious condition experienced by people in hospitals, which is associated with an increased risk of death. Harm can be minimised if delirium is prevented, or detected early and acted upon.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care developed the Delirium Clinical Care Standard in 2016 to provide a national approach to improving the prevention, diagnosis and management of delirium. The Standard has now been reviewed and revised. Feedback and consideration of endorsement is being sought from key organisations as part of a targeted consultation process.

ACRRM would appreciate the assistance of members in reviewing the draft on a confidential basis and providing feedback regarding our possible endorsement. 

Please contact as soon as possible and no later than Monday 24 May if you are interested in reviewing the document.  We will require responses by Tuesday 1 June in order to consider our response. 

The College acknowledges the valuable contribution of our members in informing our policy response.