There are a number of new and amended listings to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from 1 June 2021.

Additional listings and changes to current listings include for short term and long term opioids on the Palliative Care Schedule to simplify the eligibility requirements for palliative care patients.

Prescribers can apply for:

Up to 1 month supply through the Online PBS Authorities System or the telephone, or, up to 3 months treatment (1 month’s quantity and sufficient repeats) through Online PBS Authorities System or in writing.

To support prescribers through written authority requests, a new Palliative Care Schedule – opioid treatment authority application form and amendment to the existing General (S85) Schedule – opioid treatment authority application form have been made available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to access and use of the Online PBS Authorities System is available here

This information relates to the administration of these listings by Services Australia. For further information on broader PBS changes, please visit the PBS website