ACRRM is currently recruiting new members for the Professional Development Committee. 

We are keen to keep improving the framework, activities and supporting resources to make our new CPD framework and systems as user friendly, convenient and relevant to our members’ practice as possible. 

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) space is evolving to have more of a reflective focus as specified by the Medical Board of Australia’s Professional Performance Framework (PPF), which will be implemented in January 2023. 

The College has made the necessary accommodations for this change having implemented the PPF categories of Educational activities, Performance review and Outcome measurement in the current triennium, but we need the input and ideas of Fellows with a diverse range of backgrounds, skills, career stages, areas of expertise and work situations to achieve the best possible result. 

The Committee generally meets six times per year with most meetings being a one-hour video conference on a weeknight. One meeting per year is usually held as a one-day face to face event. Please contact if we can assist with more information about these important roles. 

The College greatly appreciates the contribution of those members who take on these important roles which are essential to our ongoing activities and advocacy. 

You can apply online or by contacting directly; attaching a copy of your recent CV and a short paragraph outlining any relevant experience, interests and skills. 

The closing date for applications is Friday 27 August.