The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) will be working in consultation with the Australian Government Department of Health to review and update the National Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) publication: Guiding principles to achieve continuity in medication management.

As part of this review, the Commission will be setting up a Project Advisory Group (PAG). The College has been invited to nominate a representative to this group. 

The PAG will be time-limited and oversight and governance responsibilities for members will likely include: 

  • Providing technical and strategic advice to inform the Project 

  • Supporting engagement with all relevant stakeholders and groups  

  • Advising on potential project risks and potential mitigation strategies 

  • Act as an advocate for the project 

  • Considering advice from stakeholder consultation. 

It is anticipated that there will be two PAG meetings (mid-October & late Jan / early Feb). The Commission will provide secretariat support. 

If you are interested in taking on this voluntary role, please contact by Friday 27 August, including a current CV or an outline of relevant skills and experience. 

The College appreciates the contribution of members who take on these roles.