The College will be making a comprehensive submission to this Inquiry and invites members to provide feedback, with particular reference to:

a) the current state of rural, and regional GPs and related services

b) current state and former Government reforms to outer metropolitan, rural and regional GP services and their impact on GPs, including policies such as:

  • Distribution Priority Area and the Modified Monash Model (MMM) geographical classification system
  • GP training reforms
  • Medicare rebate freeze

c) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on doctor shortages in outer metropolitan, rural, and regional Australia

d) any other related matters impacting rural and regional access to quality health services. 

More information is available on the Senate Committee webpage.

Member feedback is valuable in ensuring that our policy and advocacy remains relevant and reflects member views. Feedback provided from previous consultations will be also be used to inform the College submission on this issue. 

Please provide any comments directly to by Monday 30 August.