ACRRM is pleased to announce a new appointment, and a re-nominated member to the College Board, after the Board's endorsement at the Annual General Meeting on 27 October. 

The College welcomes new Director Dr Bob Worswick and Dr Dan Halliday who was re-nominated to his Board position. Outgoing Board Director Dr Anthony Hobbs was acknowledged for his contribution. 

In thanking Dr Hobbs, ACRRM President Dr Sarah Chalmers said:

“In my role first as Board Director and now President, I have immense respect for Dr Anthony Hobbs in the way he has fulfilled his duties on the Board. His knowledge across rural generalism, governance and advocacy has always been shared with professionalism and consideration, and he has made a significant contribution to the College." 

The full Board includes Dr Sarah Chalmers (President), Dr Michael Beckoff, Annabelle Brayley, Dr Daniel Halliday, Dr Michelle Hannan, Dr Bob Worswick and Dr Danielle Dries (Registrar Director).  

The College looks forward to the valuable input that all our Board members will provide into strategic operations and advocacy on matters including College-led Training, Continuing Professional Development, assessment, respectful workplaces and more.  

Meet the Board