MBS items 93600 and 93661 will be introduced on 1 January 2022 to improve access to vaccines and booster shots for those unable to attend a vaccination site. The new items will allow an appropriately qualified health professional (such as a nurse or Aboriginal Health Worker) to conduct a COVID-19 Vaccine Suitability Assessment on behalf of a General Practitioner (GP) or Other Medical Practitioner (OMP).  

The new MBS items:

  • are for vaccine suitability assessments provided on behalf of a GP or OMP, who remains responsible for the clinical outcomes of the service; 
  • can only be claimed for vaccinations provided outside of consultation rooms in a person’s place of residence (which may include, but is not restricted to, a residential aged care facility or disability care home); and
  • cannot be claimed with the in-depth patient assessment item, as this requires a GP or OMP to assess a patient’s individual risks and benefits associated with receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.