The College continues to consult with the Australian Medical Council, the Medical Board of Australia and the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency on the requirements of the Professional Performance Framework and the accreditation criteria for CPD homes before they are officially introduced in 2023.

We are also consulting widely with other Specialist Medical Colleges as all specialties prepare for the Medical Board’s implementation of the new CPD requirements next year.  

These ongoing consultations have reinforced our confidence that ACRRM is ready to support our members, and we are in fact far more prepared than most other colleges. The transition to our new CPD Framework at the beginning of this triennium has enabled us to support our members to already meet the incoming requirements, and as a result most doctors in our program will not notice much change next year at all. In the coming months, once the Medical Board has confirmed the final details, we will provide updates to members on any specific changes to the program.

If you have any questions, please contact our Professional Development team on 1800 223 226 or, or send us a question in Connect@ACRRM.