The hunt is on for GPs and nurses who want to make the change, one-day-a-week at a local high school. Victoria has 100 government secondary schools which benefit from the Doctors in Secondary Schools program where students can access safe, quality health services. 

“This is something where we can really make a difference, so I recommend it to anyone who is interested. Even if you haven’t worked with teens before, it’s a really great way to learn more about it in a really supported environment,” says Dr Johanna Dennis, DiSS GP at Wedderburn College in regional Victoria.

“You’re giving back and really helping the next generation.” 

GPs and nurses are trained in adolescent health and wellbeing at no cost, supported by their local PHN, and work with school staff and wellbeing teams to deliver the program, in a purpose-built facility.  

There are opportunities available right now for GPs who dream of spending time to help kids thrive. Applications across Victoria can be made using the online expressions of interest form.  

Change your day-to-day. Apply now to join the Doctors in Secondary Schools program or visit

Contact: Natasha Blumer on, or phone (03) 9347 1188.