ACRRM and the RACGP are pleased to announce the establishment of an incorporated joint venture company, Joint Colleges Training Services Pty Ltd (the Company), which will oversee joint AGPT training program services.
The Company will initially support AGPT activities, including:

  • the development and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health strategic plans, including cultural education and cultural mentorship
  • the provision of registrar housing in some remote Northern Territory communities
  • other potential areas of collaboration which may include activities such as joint practice training accreditation, supervisor professional development, and more. 

The Company is owned 50-50 by the two colleges.

Funding for the Company will occur through ACRRM and the RACGP transferring all Commonwealth received funds that are designated for the development of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health strategic plans.
The Company will be overseen by a seven-person Board of Directors, with ACRRM and the RACGP having the right to nominate three members each, and the colleges appointing an independent Chair. A General Manager will be employed to run day-to-day activities.
All current RTO staff who are involved in the development and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health strategic plans, including cultural educators and cultural mentors, will be offered employment. The Company will also seek to assume contracts with Aboriginal Medical Services and others who supply cultural educators and cultural mentors to RTOs on a contract basis.
The Company will initially adopt the current strategic plans developed by each RTO and then look to develop an integrated, nationally consistent but locally produced and delivered strategic plan in 2023.
ACRRM and RACGP will continue to provide information on this joint venture as decisions are made.