ACRRM has provided feedback to the Australian Commission for Quality and Safety in Health Care on the draft Sustainable Healthcare Module.

The College strongly supports the initiative. Supporting health service organisations to deliver sustainable, adaptable, and resilient care healthcare is a positive step toward addressing the health sector’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

While it is proposed the Module will initially be voluntary in status, ACRRM’s submission notes that smaller service providers in rural and remote communities may face challenges in implementing the Module, even with the best intentions.

There is a compelling argument for prioritising opportunities to reduce costs and administrative imposts and streamline the process, particularly for smaller organisations in rural and remote areas.

As a trainer of the next generation of rural doctors, ACRRM is committed to developing policy and progressing toward reducing its own organisational carbon footprint, as well as educating and supporting its members on practical ways that they can make a positive contribution.

Read the submission