The ACRRM Respectful Workplaces Committee met on 17 May as part of its cycle of quarterly meetings. The Committee welcomed Mr Harry Purves as the newly-appointed representative from the Future Generalists Committee; and endorsed the appointment of Immediate Past President Dr Sarah Chalmers as the new Chair.
The significant contribution of outgoing and founding Chair, Dr Ewen McPhee, was acknowledged.
As usual, there was enthusiastic discussion on a range of issues, including plans for presentations and a workshop up the Rural Medicine Australia conference; the College response to the Every Doctor, Every Setting Framework; and the draft Reconciliation Action Plan for 2023-25.
The Respectful Workplaces Committee provides advice on College operations and activities as part of its continuous quality improvement in promoting and upholding respectful workplaces. This includes fostering and upholding a culture of belonging; where diversity is celebrated and people can reach their full potential.
The Committee supports a proactive, strength-based approach to achieving workplace diversity and promoting a culture of respectful workplaces. It acknowledges the importance of achieving diversity in medical leadership, including in workplaces and within Colleges and other institutions.
More information about the Committee and the Respectful Workplaces Framework is available on the College website.