Medical acupuncture - using needles and laser - has extensive scientific evidence for the treatment of common pain related presentations to general practice - including migraine/ neck related headache, musculoskeletal pain, women’s health/dysmenorrhoea, depression and insomnia. (Lancet, JAMA, Pain)
The Australian Medical Acupuncture College (AMAC) Part 1 Course is a 1yr comprehensive program integrating evidence-based medical acupuncture into standard medical practice.
What you can learn:
1. Learn to treat a diverse range of acute pain presentations including acute severe headache, musculoskeletal pain, spasm, renal colic and minor burns.
2. Learn how to treat many aspects of chronic pain effectively: Utilise the stimulation of neurophysiological pathways to reduce long-term pain, muscle spasm, migraine headache, pelvic pain/dysmenorrhea, hot flushes, IBS, depression, and insomnia.
3. Learn to significantly reduce pain with the first treatment in over half of your patients.
4. Harm minimisation- Reduce your reliance on prescribing strong painkillers.
5. Utilise one of the few modalities that can treat neuropathic pain.
Training program: Blended learning program of hands-on clinical training, face-to-face workshops online modules, webinars, and clinical mentorship from GPs in their practice.
Course runs February to October with weekly online evening lectures and online teaching modules. Attendance is required at 3 compulsory practical teaching FTF workshops - available in different states.
Find the link to the curriculum here: Part 1 Course Information & Part 1 Course Timetable
Enrolments close Jan 12th for the 2024 Part 1 Course.
Enrolment online: AMAC Part 1 Course Registration
Two 20 min online information sessions available – please advise preferred times – lunchtime or evening. If interested - email Education Chair- Dr Bill Meyers-
OR Email: Catherine Pascoe (Part 1 Course Administrator) at