The Respectful Workplaces Committee (RWC) held its first meeting of the year last week and were joined by the training posts accreditation coordinator, who gave a presentation of their processes, providing an opportunity to share ideas and insights.

The Committee was very appreciative of the attendance and presentation. Committee Chair Dr Sarah Chalmers noted that the RWC has been operating since 2019 and has reached a stage of maturity.  This first meeting of the year presented an opportunity to set the Committee agenda for 2024.  

Respectful workplaces are built through the values we hold and the way we behave towards each other every day. The health and wellbeing of members is important to us, and the College is strongly committed to delivering wellbeing support to all members using a holistic approach. 

Training and Courses
ACRRM’s Wellbeing Coordinator Paul Townsley is working closely with the Respectful Workplaces Committee to champion the Respectful Workplaces framework across the College, and educating ACRRM staff with the skills and knowledge to assist those experiencing problems with mental health is a core component of this work. 

Paul has continued to deliver Standard Mental Health First Aid training to staff in key member support roles equipping participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, understand and respond to a friend, family member, co-worker or other person experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis as well as delivering several specialised courses including Conversations About Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, which equips adults to recognise, understand and respond to a person engaging in non-suicidal self-injury.  

Get involved

  • The College can offer a range of courses and training tailored to your needs
  • Paul is keen to hear from members with suggestions for wellbeing support groups, and is currently scoping the development of a Peer Mental Health Wellbeing Network. 
  • Please reach out to Paul if you are interested in accessing training, have suggestions around support groups, or might be interested in the Peer Network Working Group.  

For further information or to get involved email

24/7 Support
The College also provides individual 24/7 Wellbeing Support through its Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Members experiencing workplace, training, exam, or other stresses or issues impacting personal wellbeing can call ACRRM’s EAP line, which provides free of charge immediate, confidential counselling and support on 1800 818 728.