The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) congratulates Professor Jenny May AM on her appointment as the new National Rural Health Commissioner. 

Professor May holds Fellowship with ACRRM and the RACGP and brings more than 25 years’ experience working as a Rural Generalist (RG) in rural and remote Australia.   

ACRRM President, Associate Professor Dan Halliday emphasises the important role that the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner plays in reforming the primary healthcare sector and improving health outcomes for people who live in rural, remote and First Nations areas. 

“ACRRM is the home of rural generalism, and we are focused on developing a flexible and sustainable medical workforce that addresses the healthcare needs of communities most at need.  

“Healthcare leaders such as those in role of the National Rural Health Commissioner are pivotal in influencing positive outcomes for communities and the profession. ACRRM looks forward to developing a strong working relationship with Prof May to enable us to meet our goals. 

“Prof May's extensive background, including serving as Director of the University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health, representing the profession through the Rural Doctors Association of Australia and the National Rural Health Alliance, and publishing research on workforce distribution and retention, demonstrates her experience and competence to inform policy aimed at developing and maintaining a sustainable rural health workforce. 

 “We also commend Adj Prof Ruth Stewart for her outstanding work since her appointment in 2020. 

“Her collaboration and contributions have enhanced and empowered rural, remote and First Nations communities. 

“I wish to offer my personal thanks to Ruth for her commitment to rural health, as she played a significant role in advancing rural generalism, particularly through policy development via the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, support for innovative models of care, and growing the RG workforce.”