ACRRM has recently endorsed an important update to the Assessment Eligibility Policy, limiting the number of attempts for all assessments to a maximum of four per modality. This policy, effective January 2025, will bring ACRRM into alignment with other medical colleges and set a consistent framework for registrars, Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs), and ACRRM staff. 

This policy update was shaped by data revealing that candidates are statistically less likely to succeed as attempts increase, with those making multiple attempts often experiencing increased levels of anxiety, distress, and financial hardship. By limiting the number of attempts, ACRRM aims to identify and support those candidates facing challenges earlier and provide them with the resources they need to increase their chances of success. 

There will be a transitional period between now and January 2026, where any registrar or SIMG who has already attempted an assessment four or more times will be personally notified and will have 12 months to enrol in a final attempt at the assessment. Starting January 2026, the four-attempt limit will apply to all registrars and SIMGs in training with ACRRM.  

Candidates who are unsuccessful in their attempts will receive detailed information on this policy along with support resources, and tailored assistance will be available from the first unsuccessful attempt, which will be tailored to meet needs upon each successive unsuccessful attempt.   

For more information about ACRRM assessments and policies please visit the assessments webpage here