About the AST

Deliver high-quality women’s health services with Advanced Specialised Training (AST) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology as part of the ACRRM Fellowship program. 

The AST in Obstetrics and Gynaecology is managed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RANZCOG) and is called the Certificate and Procedural training program*. It is a three-tier structure of qualifications that includes the;

  • Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH)
  • Associate Training Program (Procedural) (PTP)
  • Associate Training Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP).

Designed for medical practitioners aspiring to excel in hospital-based settings, this AST equips you to provide care to women at every stage of life.

*Please be advised that the previous Certificate and Diploma qualifications have undertaken a name change from February 2024.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology AST

Curriculum highlights / credentials

A Rural Generalist who has completed this AST can:

  • undertake complex deliveries 
  • basic pregnancy ultrasound scanning 
  • advanced gynaecological procedures 
  • work in small rural or remote communities providing obstetrics and gynaecology services close to home for women and babies.

“Having lived in a rural town for over 30 years, I have had the privilege of delivering a lot of babies for whom I've then continued to see as their GP and watched them grow up. I've watched their early development, I've provided their immunisations, and I've followed them through to their adolescent years, where I've given contraception and STI consultations. And then there's the joy of confirming their pregnancy and delivering their babies.”

Dr Louise Baker

Rural Generalist, Obstetrics

Where you can complete this AST

The RANZCOG Certificate and Procedural vocational training programs must be completed at a RANZCOG accredited training site in rural and remote Australia. Click the link below to explore the list.

Got a question about training?

You can call us on 1800 223 226 or contact the training team.