About the AST

Elevate your practice and make a profound difference in end-of-life care with our Advanced Specialised Training (AST) in Palliative Care as part of the ACRRM Fellowship program.

As the older population continues to grow, the demand for palliative care expertise is more crucial than ever. This AST prepares you to provide compassionate care, focusing on improving the quality of life for patients and their families facing life-threatening illnesses. In rural and remote areas where specialist-based services are limited, the role of primary care practitioners, especially Rural Generalists, becomes paramount in delivering comprehensive palliative care.

Choose an AST in Palliative Care and become a skilled advocate for compassionate end-of-life care, making a meaningful impact where it's needed most.

Palliative Care AST

Curriculum highlights / credentials

A Rural Generalist who has completed the AST in Palliative Care can:

  • manage rural palliative patients at home, in a hospital, a hospice or a residential care facility
  • work without local specialist palliative care support 
  • work as part of team with other skilled medical, nursing and allied health practitioners
  • provide an advisory resource in palliative care to other Rural Generalists
  • maximise the effectiveness of specialist outreach and telemedicine services in their communities
  • assist in training other Rural Generalists 
  • assist in the development, provision and promotion of palliative care services
  • engage in, foster, and encourage research
  • develop health policies and procedures for palliative care services

Where you can complete this AST

Training must be done at an ACRRM training post that is accredited in palliative care. Below you can browse the training posts including hospitals and general practices.

For 13 years, I've been dedicated to palliative care in my local community, the first doctor appointed to work alongside our specialist palliative care team. Witnessing the quiet heroism of ordinary people facing end-of-life decisions has been deeply rewarding. Palliative care offers a holistic perspective on medicine, enriching both my life and practice. Rural Australians often lack access to palliative care doctors, making these skills vital for supporting our communities.

Dr Louis Christie

FACRRM, Palliative Care AST Supervisor

Got a question about training?

You can call us on 1800 223 226 or contact the training team.