ACRRM students, registrars and Fellows have one thing in common - a desire to See More, Do More and Be More. Whether they are working in central Victoria, on the rugged Western Australian coastline, in the tropics of North Queensland or the farmlands of New South Wales and further afield, they are committed to being the best Rural Generalist they can, supporting rural and remote people with excellent health care. Enjoy their stories here.

Many of our members at ACRRM have gone on to win awards. Check out our awards page here.

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Dr Darren Briggs, a Rural Generalist in Ulverstone, Tasmania, has been a FACRRM since 2011 after completing his ACRRM Fellowship with Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine.

Taking it back, Darren's journey into medicine was fueled by a passion for biology, and a deep-seated interest in health and preventative care. After completing his Fellowship Darren found himself drawn to the challenges of rural healthcare, where access to specialised services like dermatology is often limited.

Dermatology in Tasmania

In Tasmania, where waitlists for dermatological services can stretch on for months, ACRRM's free dermatology service Tele-Derm is crucial for many Rural Generalists. The remote nature of his practice in northwest Tasmania posed significant challenges in accessing timely dermatological care.

Dr Darren Briggs said:

“The closest, on the ground, dermatologist is an hour and a half drive away in Launceston. We do have some public visiting dermatologist, but the waitlist is significant.”

Dr Briggs recalls submitting a case to the local dermatology service and waiting 8 long months for a response, contrasted with Tele-Derm's swift turnaround within hours. These long wait times to see a Dermatologist are common for rural and remote communities across Australia.

Dr Darren Briggs said:

“Tele-Derm is incredibly responsive, it’s fantastic. You get the notification and it's generally within 24-48 hours I receive responses. So that's been great.”

Tele-Derm has transformed Darren's approach to dermatological care. Since his days as a registrar, Darren has been a devoted user of Tele-Derm because of its ability to bridge the gap between remote practitioners like himself and expert dermatologists.

How Dr Darren Briggs has used Tele-Derm

ACRRM's Tele-Derm has not only bolstered Darren's confidence in diagnosing and treating dermatological conditions but has also served as a beacon of education and support. Through the platform, Darren has forged connections with specialists, whose insights and guidance have been invaluable.

Dr Darren Briggs:

“Using Tele-Derm is better for my education because I have that interaction with the specialists directly, challenging me to think more and discuss the case.” 

The platform's educational resources, including webinars and articles, also equip Rural Generalists with the knowledge and skills to provide optimal care to his patients.

Memorable case

One memorable case stands out for Dr Briggs —a complex scenario involving an 84-year-old nursing home patient with abnormal skin changes on two fingers. Concerned by the unusual presentation, Darren turned to Tele-Derm for guidance. The submission of the case led to a diagnosis of acrodermatitis and a tailored treatment plan. The patient's significant improvement served as a testament to the efficacy of Tele-Derm in delivering timely and effective care, even in the most remote of settings.

For Dr Darren Briggs and countless other Rural Generalist, Tele-Derm has not only revolutionised dermatological care, but has also become a cornerstone of their practice.

Find out more about Tele-Derm.

“Tele-Derm is incredibly responsive, it’s fantastic. You get the notification and it's generally within 24-48 hours I receive responses. So that's been great.”
Dr Darren Briggs