ACRRM students, registrars and Fellows have one thing in common - a desire to See More, Do More and Be More. Whether they are working in central Victoria, on the rugged Western Australian coastline, in the tropics of North Queensland or the farmlands of New South Wales and further afield, they are committed to being the best Rural Generalist they can, supporting rural and remote people with excellent health care. Enjoy their stories here.
Many of our members at ACRRM have gone on to win awards. Check out our awards page here.
If you are an ACRRM Rural Generalist and would like to share your story, contact the membership team at
With an avid interest in emergency services, Greg’s goal is to highlight the plight of Victoria’s Rural Urgent Care Centres, including the dedicated staffing and community access.
In 2012, he was appointed as the Field Emergency Medical Officer (FEMO) for Central Gippsland, and he is currently the designated rural FEMO for Outer Gippsland, including the Latrobe Valley.
Dr Ivanoff acknowledges his appreciation for rural Gippsland as a place where he has raised his family, and notably mentions how far the region has come, and where it is going. He is passionate about the region, acknowledging the world class facilities that are now available in the regional capital, Traralgon.
"I am excited to be a part of further improving health facilities in this growing community", Dr Ivanoff says.
"I would like to be involved in promoting a supported and safe working environment for all rural and remote medical practitioners in the future."
Dr Greg Ivanoff from, Gippsland, Victoria, received an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Distinguished Service Award for his significant contribution to rural and remote medicine and general service to the community.
"The College has really helped me to focus on the health of a township in urgent need of medical services. My greatest FACRRM memory was working 24/7 on call in a remote town in Far East Gippsland, with a team of three highly trained Rural Generalists providing obstetric, surgical, radiological, and emergency after-hours services"
Access media release here
Photos of Dr Greg Ivanoff