Hailing from the picturesque town of Kapunda in South Australia, Dr Lisa White is a dedicated Rural Generalist Anaesthetist with a passion for serving her local community. With over 16 years of rural experience, Lisa was able to achieve Fellowship through the Rural Experienced Entry to Fellowship (REEF) program at ACRRM.
In 2006, Lisa and her husband made a heartfelt decision to invest in a farm just across the road from his parents, establishing roots for their family. Over the years, they have lovingly raised two children who are now entering their teenage years, fostering a close-knit bond with the community.
Since then, Lisa has been an integral part of the Kapunda region, initially providing primary care, inpatient, emergency, anaesthetics, and obstetrics services to the community. Her commitment to comprehensive healthcare has been unwavering, and her clinical focus has evolved to specialise in Anaesthetics.
Beyond her clinical duties, Lisa has embraced leadership, governance, and education roles. Notably, she has taken on the role of Regional Director of Training for ACRRM in South Australia.
“It’s such a wonderful experience to see medical students that I’ve taught developing into capable and confident rural doctors.”
The transition to College-Led Training and the Rural Generalist recognition application marked an exciting chapter for Lisa. Recognising a shared vision and values with ACRRM in providing high-quality care to rural communities, she saw an opportunity to renew her interest in Medical Education in vocational training.
With Lisa’s extensive skills and experience in rural medicine, she was able to apply for ACRRM Fellowship through the REEF program. The REEF process was a straightforward journey for Lisa and her message to fellow Rural Generalists is one of encouragement —
“I encourage anyone who regards themselves a Rural Generalist to consider the REEF program to formally acknowledge the expert skills they contribute to their community.”
Lisa exemplifies the spirit of excellence in rural medicine, embodying the values of our organisation. We celebrate her achievements and dedication to advancing healthcare in rural communities.
“I encourage anyone who considers themselves a Rural Generalist to consider the REEF process to formally acknowledge the expert skills they contribute to their community.”
Dr Lisa White
Are you eligible for REEF?
Be recognised for your rural or remote medical experience
Rural Experienced Entry to Fellowship (REEF) is an accelerated pathway to achieve Fellowship with ACRRM by recognising existing skills and experiences.