As a final-year medical student from NSW and budding future rural generalist, Jaffly Chen believes that the challenges associated with a career in rural medicine make for a better doctor overall.
“A career in rural medicine is extremely unique. To me, it’s about variety and opportunity, an extended scope of practice, enticing lifestyle, and a desire to give back to a community which has welcomed me with more than just welcome arms,” he said.
“I’ve loved every town I’ve visited on placement because the community has always welcomed me immediately as one of their own. Rural Australia is such a wonderful place to work, not only because of the people, but because I truly believe it’s the best place to settle down and raise a family whilst still being able to enjoy all the other passions one has in life.
“I recently started learning how to fly small planes, so perhaps in the future I might be one of those doctors flying from town to town in a little Cessna helping out wherever I can!”
Jaffly was lucky enough to secure a placement with the John Flynn program four years ago, a highly regarded program designed to attract the future medical workforce to a rural career, an opportunity which he says has only served to reaffirm his love for rural practice.
“Lucky is an understatement when I think about the past five years as a medical student. As a NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) Cadet, opening the email confirming that I’ll be working in Orange, NSW as an intern and resident was one of the most exciting experiences of my life,” he said.
As a proud student member of both the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), Jaffly says that both organisations understand the needs of practitioners across rural and remote Australia and clearly reflect this in their attitudes to advocacy and training.
“In addition to providing access to teaching resources, there is an abundance of information on training pathways, placement preparation, and mentor contacts that are extremely willing to help you succeed. I’d encourage all of my student colleagues to join as well.”
Photos of Jaffly Chen