The College expects the highest professional standards of its fellows, registrars, students and other members, as well as of its staff and the contracted professionals involved in our educational programs. It expects that these same people should also be treated according to acceptable professional standards.

Attainment of the skills and capacities commensurate with Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine brings with it the considerable capacity, authority and esteem to positively affect people’s health and well-being, especially for those living in rural and remote communities.  The College expects its Fellows to recognise that these attainments bring with them the responsibility to apply their skills with professionalism, courage, compassion and always in a manner consistent with the best interests of their patients and their community.

Our vision of acceptable professional standards involves at all times treating others with dignity, courtesy, respect and compassion. The College has a zero tolerance approach with respect to bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment or any other inappropriate behaviours in training and practice. The College also values our members’ efforts toward building personal resilience and self-efficacy to address problems that arise in a positive way.

It is the responsibility of each Fellow and member engaged in medical practice to observe the Medical Board of Australia's code Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia and to be aware of their jurisdictional requirements and legal responsibilities, which may vary between states and territories.



Equity and discrimination

ACRRM acknowledges that discrimination, bullying, and harassment can have a severe and damaging impact on mental and physical health outcomes for affected individuals, their families, and communities. ACRRM strongly endorses diversity and inclusion regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and disability in all aspects of life, particularly in education, employment, medical care, sport, relationships, and marriage.



External Standards

The College supports the following statements of standards: