Dr Ewen McPhee talks in detail about the My Health Record, its ongoing development and how it has changed since its implementation in 2012. (recorded 2019)

What role do I play in My Health Record?

  • My Health Record is part of your existing digital toolkit – utilising it will provide your patients with a better healthcare experience
  • Share healthcare information with others in the healthcare team by uploading and accessing information in My Health Record (with consent)
  • Become informed and educate your patients about My Health Record
  • Stay up-to-date by accessing our resources and attending information webinars.
  • Find out about the detailed rules, regulations and organisational policies that apply to rural doctors who use the My Health Record. This document outlines key elements that make up an organisation’s My Health Record policy documentation and should be understood by practicing doctors

Who can access records?

Only healthcare providers authorised by their healthcare organisation can access My Health Record to view and add patient health information.

Information accessible on My Health Record

My Health Record brings together information from healthcare providers across the sector, allowing important patient information to be shared between them. Information can include:

  • Hospital discharge summaries
  • Shared health summaries (can include medical conditions or treatments, medications, allergies or adverse reactions and immunisations)
  • Event summaries (i.e. information regarding significant health events)
  • MBS visits and PBS history
  • Medication, prescription and dispense records
  • Referrals and specialist letters
  • Pathology and diagnostic imaging reports
  • Patient emergency contact details
  • Indigenous status
  • Immunisations included in the Australian Immunisation Register (childhood immunisations and other immunisations received)
  • Advance care plans or custodian contact details
  • Organ donation decisions

Healthcare organisations and their staff register to access and share key patient information in a single repository. This information is also accessible by the patient and their healthcare providers. Information currently available includes:

  • medications (prescribed and dispensed)
  • pathology and diagnostic imaging reports
  • immunisations, and
  • health summary reports from the patient primary healthcare provider

For more information about My Health Record can be found at the Australian Digital Health Agency website